Mold Toxicity:
Ending the scavenger hunt for your health
You have your suspicions, your doctor has your diagnosis. Sadly, the two don’t agree.
If you’re like most mold toxicity patients who find their way to Keystone Total Health, you’ve been fighting a cycle of uncertainties for a long time now. With the wrong health partner, Mold Toxicity is a meandering and seemingly never ending search for answers. Let's reclaim your wellness together with our root cause approach to good health.
At a Glance:
Mold Toxicity (CIRS)
Mold illness or mold toxicity is a subcategory of the biotoxin illness called Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).
Mold itself is a naturally occurring living organism that thrives in warm, damp environments with an adequate fibrous food source. Mold Toxicity involves body wide inflammation that is triggered by a sensitivity to mold exposure and a dysregulated immune system. Biotoxins are poisonous substances produced by living organisms. They can come from many sources such as fungus, Borrelia species (Lyme Disease), algae, as well as organic growth found in water damaged buildings.
Common symptoms include brain fog, chronic sinusitis, chronic fatigue, increased allergies, nose bleeds, gut issues like constipation and IBS, and a host of inflammatory response conditions including heart disease, low immune/autoimmune issues and dementia. Mold patients can also suffer seizures and other neurological issues.
What Western medicine gets wrong:
Traditional medical providers usually chase symptoms, not root cause concerns such that mold toxicity patients often experience a merry-go-round of mistreatments. Many traditional medical professionals simply do not have formal education, training or experience to identify, diagnose or understand the intricacies of mold toxicity.
“I have seen countless doctors, and tried just about every treatment. Nothing has helped like the treatment Dr. Aoki is providing. After just a couple of weeks, I am already starting to notice a difference. I used to think what I have is too complicated for any doctor to figure out, but he has given me hope again.”
— Mary M., patient
Keystone Total Health
Unraveling the Mysteries of Mold Toxicity
Our job (actually, our passion) is to look deeper when other medical providers fail with mysterious, complex chronic illnesses. When standard lab tests like CBCs, CMPs, or hormone panels “are all normal,” and you are told that “we just need to manage your anxiety,” we examine other environmental exposures like mold, biotoxins and mycotoxins that may be impacting the body, especially in the immune and central nervous systems.
Many of the more mysterious Mold Toxicity ailments fall into a category called Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). This syndrome, well documented to be caused by biotoxins such as Lyme disease and mold exposure, often ties together the many disparate symptoms these complex patients cases can have:
Shortness of breath • Chronic cough • Muscle aches • Chills • Fever • Night sweats • Profound fatigue • Allergies • Inflammation • Poor Concentration • Flu-like symptoms • Body aches • Pain syndromes • Low endorphins • Hormone imbalances • GI issues/IBS • Sleep disturbances • Dehydration • Static shocks • Chronic sinus infections (especially staph) • Gluten sensitivity • Chronic fatigue syndrome • Poor circulation • Skin rashes • Hives • Autoimmune markers in blood • Changes in Vision • Weight changes • Muscle cramps • Chemical sensitivities • Nose bleeds • Skin pigmentation/sun sensitivity • Anxiety • Depression
To the inexperienced traditional medical provider, that’s almost three dozen unique medical directions. You know insurance companies love this hunt and peck uncertainty!
Schedule Your Free Screening Call
Let’s fix these problems for your future self.
Is it even possible to stop all your fatigue and pain? We're here with a resounding "YES!" Stop submitting to the energy drain from sore joints, muscles and body aches. Stop wondering if all of this is leading to something worse. Let's resolve your uncertainty and doubt.
We know all this can be a challenge by yourself so we're offering a Complimentary Screening Call to EVERYone we can help on their journey back to health. It's time to restore your wellness, confidence, energy and belief in yourself. It's your time to feel great again.
Do you have concerns or suspicions about mold exposure?
Have you suffered illnesses for lengthy periods, even years?
Let’s Solve The Mysteries Once and For All:
Book a preliminary discovery call. On this call, we assess the likelihood that Mold Toxicity or CIRS may be the source of your health struggles.
During your initial office visit, we’ll begin to deconstruct your many-layered health problems with thorough physical and environmental exams.
We will work together to identify the total impact of your symptoms and your suffering through appropriate lab work and other diagnostic measures.
We implement a wise and thorough protocol to address the mold toxicity and Chronic Inflammatory Response issues that have hijacked your health.
The Impact of Biotoxins on Your Health
Biotoxins are poisonous substances produced by living organisms. They can come from many sources such as fungus, Borrelia species (Lyme Disease), algae, as well as organic growth found in water damaged buildings. Once they have been introduced into the body, the immune system and detoxification pathways begin trying to clear them quickly. But with a large enough exposure, poor enough health, or genetic susceptibility, these body systems quickly get overwhelmed and produce a predictable inflammatory event.
These biotoxins bind to nearly every type of cell, creating a cytokine event affecting nerve function. In response to these biotoxins, our immune system releases high levels of TGF beta-1, complement proteins, and MMP-9 (releasing more inflammation). High amounts of these inflammatory compounds affect brain receptors (leptin) that maintain healthy weight and appetite. Suddenly balancing your weight and food cravings seems more difficult than ever.
With leptin resistance comes a decrease in melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). These negatively impacts skin, sleep, sex hormones, endorphins, immune suppression, pain regulation, inflammation, leaky gut, and much more. This process makes those afflicted miserable. This long term inflammation leads to a higher incidence of cardiovascular illnesses and certain brain related diseases.
See now how easily your health spiraled out of control?
My patients choose me because I’m committed to their journey. I am driven to continue to learn and grow so that you have the best care possible. I’m ready to face any obstacle alongside my patients and I will never give up on you.
— Dr. Koji Aoki, Keystone Total Health
Dr. Aoki is a respected Mold Toxicity specialist with a dedicated patient base of those suffering or those who have suffered from mold toxicity conditions. Such a focused caseload enables Dr. Aoki to curate the most complex mold toxicity cases to more quickly and accurately prescribe beneficial protocols to help restore your health and wellness after mold exposure.
How Do You Measure Up?
In advance of your complimentary discovery call, we invite you to complete the Keystone Comprehensive Mold Toxicity Assessment to determine a baseline on your current Mold Toxicity symptoms and condition. This will help us move efficiently on our screening call and determine if we're the right healthcare provider for you.
Let’s Find Out What’s Wrong With You
The good news is these jeopardized biotoxin pathways leave inflammatory markers that we can measure via laboratory tests. Depending on your affectations, we may conduct any of the following tests to diagnose your condition:
Urine Mycotoxins: Measures the amount of mold toxins in a person’s urine. Often helpful to do deep tissue massage before testing to ensure adequate drainage.
Organic Acids Test: A urine test which measures the metabolites associated with some of the effects of biotoxin illness.
Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) Testing: An online test used to measure the effect of biotoxins on the nervous system and monitor treatment.
HLA DR Genetic Testing (HLA DR1,3,4,5, DQ): genetic testing for mold susceptibility.
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP): neuroregulatory hormone for inflammation, digestion, and lung function, among other pathways.
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH): regulates hormones, endorphins, and sleep cycles. Important for neuroregulation and the immune response.
Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 (TGF Beta-1): Regulates the innate immune system, controls growth of cells, cell movement, and cell death. Can cause lungs to “remodel” or change to become more reactive.
Complete C3a and C4a: Inflammation marker for the innate immune system.
Anti-Gliadin Antibodies (IgA/IgG): Produced in response to gluten, such as wheat, barley, or rye.
ACTH/Cortisol: Signaling and steroid hormones that are produced in response to stress.
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF): new blood vessel formation and growth, and healthy blood flow to the capillary beds.
Autoantibodies IgA/IgG/IgM (anticardiolipins and antiphospholipids): Parts of the immune system that attack our own cells/tissues.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)/Osmolarity: Also known as vasopressin, controls the amount of water the body keeps or releases.
Matrix Metallopeptidase-9 (MMP-9): enzyme that breaks down the extracellular matrix. Plays a role in COPD, RA, cardiovascular disease, and other tissue breakdown processes.
Leptin: Regulates how the body holds fatty acids.
My patients who have Mold Toxicity (CIRS) have been told that all their symptoms are in their head. By using a holistic lens, I recognize the interconnectedness of their symptoms. Rather than other physicians who quiet your body’s signals, I aim to understand their meaning and what the body is saying.
I am committed to your case and will be with you every step of your healing journey to address any challenges head on and together.”
— Dr. Koji Aoki, Keystone Total Health
One Bad Diagnosis Can Bring Years of Struggle
The fact is, mold toxicity is hard on the body. It commonly affects the pituitary gland and decreases hormone production, which in turn dysregulates the brain until anxiety, depression, and mood disorders often emerge. The impacts can also affect kidney function, causing people to urinate a lot, lose fluids and electrolytes, feel chronically thirsty — and all that can bring on fatigue, joint and muscle aches, and chronic imbalance.
Mycotoxins will shut down the detox pathways of your cells, and eventually you’ll struggle to ward off the effects of herbicides, pesticides, dyes, industrial metals, food preservatives and other “common” toxins many of us encounter in the course of a normal day.
Stop losing yourself and start enjoying the great life you’re supposed to.
Keystone Total Health is a holistic health center that believes in treating the whole person, not just their symptoms. We offer a wide variety of alternative medicine modalities such as functional medicine, Biological Medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, kinesiology, chiropractic, and massage therapy to help our patients achieve optimal health and wellness.